Sunday 20 April 2014

Hallelujahs and Roast Dinners

Easter Sunday 20th April

We have had a lovely day today :)
I was very nervous about going to my new parish today - not enough sleep meant being the centre of attention was the last thing I wanted. But I was very warmly welcomed, and the boy didn't find it too overwhelming. It was great to have our first service as a family being a day of celebration. We got fed breakfast and cake, and the boy had dairy free chocolate in the Easter egg hunt - bless them for sorting that one.

Then home again for a very late roast dinner lunch - and I took the laminate flooring up whilst it cooked, and Matt and the boy built the Lego set given by the grandparents as an Easter present. Under the laminate flooring there is chipboard, and around the fireplace/back boiler there is a very large damp patch, so tomorrow's job is to remove the chipboard to see the state of the floorboards underneath (why would someone put chipboard on top of floorboards anyway?!?)

As we were getting our late lunch ready, we received a text from the Stevensons offering extra radiators, and from the Copes offering a roast dinner for teatime. We said yes to both, and are now snug and warm in a warmer house with our tummies replete with roast lamb and rhubarb crumble. We have written lists of priorities - of what needs doing before we move in and what can wait till after the move. And we are feeling very blessed and loved by our friends - once more, thanks :)

And because there does not seem to be a sensible way for me to upload photos into this blog from my phone (I have now taken photos though!), here is a link to a floor plan, if anyone is still reading this :)
Floor plan (goes to Dropbox).

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