Saturday 26 April 2014

Corrupting the innocent

I shall write about this morning's sagas later, but I really want to write this down first for posterity.

The boy turned round and said, "teach me some science mummy". After a few moments panic (where does one start with a request like that?!), we did the chemical reaction between vinegar and bicarb, in the sink, and the chemical equation, moving on to the periodic table. I was just starting on chemical mass, when the boy piped up: "I know about mass - it's a church service"!  My boy has been seriously corrupted by this last two years!  Upon trying to explain that wasn't quite what I meant, he said, "And mass is short for massage"! (he's obviously managed to find better church services than me!!!)

I gave up on the science lesson at this point, and need to find a simpler book than my A-level chemistry book for the next lesson, as the comment upon seeing Thomson's apparatus was, " a trumpet mummy"!

Definitely light relief after the morning stress!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how young children hear things and interpret them completely differently than we do. We assume stuff that they don't and the results can be completely bizarre
