Tuesday 18 May 2010

Overwhelmed by responses

I'm quite intrigued by the number of people who have such strong feelings about what a blog should be on - both those who've commented (on facebook) that it wouldn't be right to tell me what I should write and those who've got oodles of ideas that they're happy for me to pick from. Unfortunately, due to a sick childminder, my grand plans for doing lots are on hold at the moment, as I'm full time mumming at the moment (not certain if mumming is a proper word but there you go!), so by this time of the day, I'm barely coherent. So I'm probably just going to be boring people with random streams of semi-consciousness for the next couple of weeks.
However, if I work out whether I can update this from my phone, it might be slightly more wide-ranging - it's not a posh phone, so it's probably not possible. I'll aim to put in place what I'd like to to be normal service in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, my random thoughts of the day (as I was wandering on trains round Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire) are:

1) Why on earth do people willing commute every day, just so they can get back to a crowded station and sit in a very posh car which is going nowhere because there's so much traffic?

2) How many miles of train track are there in the UK? What proportion are out of use?

1 comment:

  1. I commute because it enables me to do a job which I enjoy and which pays well (the latter being good more from the point of view of security for the future than a significantly better lifestyle now) while still living somewhere that suits the entire family. I doubt that "just so they can get back to a crowded station and sit in a very posh car" is a fair characterisation of the reasons of very many commuters.
