Wednesday 19 May 2010

Youth of Today...

See, I know I'm feeling old when I put a title like that(!) But I took the wee boy down to Cherry Hinton Hall grounds and went to play on the natural play area there. It was lovely, but there were post-it notes with graffiti on! They had poorly spelt threats and swearing, which wasn't particularly nice, but I couldn't understand why someone would write graffiti on post-it notes. There was other graffiti on the play equipment, but it struck me as either very timid vandalism, or is it some sort of post-modern point that someone is trying to make? I'm obviously out of touch, ah well, off to bed with cocoa.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Overwhelmed by responses

I'm quite intrigued by the number of people who have such strong feelings about what a blog should be on - both those who've commented (on facebook) that it wouldn't be right to tell me what I should write and those who've got oodles of ideas that they're happy for me to pick from. Unfortunately, due to a sick childminder, my grand plans for doing lots are on hold at the moment, as I'm full time mumming at the moment (not certain if mumming is a proper word but there you go!), so by this time of the day, I'm barely coherent. So I'm probably just going to be boring people with random streams of semi-consciousness for the next couple of weeks.
However, if I work out whether I can update this from my phone, it might be slightly more wide-ranging - it's not a posh phone, so it's probably not possible. I'll aim to put in place what I'd like to to be normal service in a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, my random thoughts of the day (as I was wandering on trains round Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire) are:

1) Why on earth do people willing commute every day, just so they can get back to a crowded station and sit in a very posh car which is going nowhere because there's so much traffic?

2) How many miles of train track are there in the UK? What proportion are out of use?

Saturday 15 May 2010

First Post - what's it going to entail

I'm not really certain whether this is a good idea, as I'm probably liable to say something dodgy, libellous, something I'll regret, or possibly just downright boring, but I'll give it a go.

I've been meaning for a while to set up a site listing all the useful and fun things to do near to different railway stations in the UK, so I'll definitely give that a go.
I've also wondered about putting my sermon texts online (though that will probably result in a lot of flaming, and possibly more deep and meaningful thunks than I'm probably capable of coping with at the time of the evening I'll get around to doing things on this.
I might include recipes, book recommendations, parenting tips (aka things I wish I'd known before I got it wrong and/or learned the hard way!), and random handicraft stuff as well.

In the meantime, I've just remembered my dream from last night - I'd inherited a big American house in the town I was studying in (I've never been to the US in my life) and there was so much interesting stuff about my grandparents (who have also never been to the states), and in the cellar, I found a spinning wheel (of which I've been trying to find one for a long time, since I have 4 fleeces which have been washed and carded and which are sitting around doing nothing except being clutter!) but then someone else came along and claimed it was their house and I lost it all :o( Any psychoanalysis?!