Friday 10 September 2010

Autumn Musings

After a rather long hiatus, I'm back. (Did you even notice I was gone?!)
It's all change in the W-F household, with first steps at nursery for W-F minor. This means I have space for a few hours, which I'm hopefully going to use to sleep, think, write sermons, get Christmas presents made (yes, I know it's horribly early, but I'm a slow seamstress!), cook and bake.
My dilemma over the past few months has resulted from trying to take on board the whole gamut of advice, admonition and general nagging which seems to come from everyone about what constitutes a healthy diet. This partly stems from trying to feed 3 people - two adults, one of whom needs to lose weight and the other put it on, and one child - a healthy diet. All three of us need different amounts of each vitamin, mineral, basic food group and all the appropriate nutrients. But nowhere can I find a suggestion of what a week's worth of perfectly balanced eating would look like, let alone a day's worth! I realise that any suggestion would need modifying, but it would be great to have something which ensures that all the basic RDA's are included. With all the whinging, nagging and finger-wagging which goes on, why has someone not come up with just one set of meals?!
Looks like I'll have to sit down and come up with it myself - watch this space!
Good things from today: W-FDH (dear husband!) having the day off, and seeing W-F minor's Godmother for tea :o)

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